After Reading This Article You Will Never Throw Away Egg Shells Again

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Egg’s shell is natural source of minerals and contains 90% calcium. Calcium is easily absorbed by our body because its chemical composition is almost identical to human’s teeth and bones.
If consumed in larger amounts, calcium will not only get rid of lack of calcium-symptoms, but it will also prevent osteoporosis’ development, stimulate the bone narrow in producing blood cells and help when it comes to treating high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Egg shell also contains iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum. Therefore, many experts recommend shell eggs as a natural and very effective calcium supplement.
It is recommended to enter 1.5 to 3 grams of crushed shells a day.

Here are several ideas on how to use egg shell and what to use them for:
1. Strengthening the organism and cleansing the blood
Wash 5 egg shells, crush them good and put them in 3 liters of water. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator for 7 days before using it as a drinking water. Drink two to three glasses of this mixture a day. You can add lemon juice if you want to.
2. Thyroid gland
Take 8 egg shells, wash them good and crush them even better. Pour juice of 2 lemons over the crushed egg shells and leave in refrigerator for several days. When shell will soften, strain the liquid and mix it with 1 liter of rakia and 1 kg of honey. Let this mixture stand still for 7 days before using it. Consume one teaspoon two to four times per day after meals.
3. Gastritis, ulcer
Crush some egg shells. Pick some using the tip of the knife. This amount of egg shells will be enough for treating these diseases. Mix the crushed egg shells with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. When shells will soften, add one deciliter of hot milk. Consume this mixture 2 times a day – on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime in the evening.


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